Circolombia at The Roundhouse

Just a little non-food related post to flag up one of the best things I’ve seen at the theatre: Circolombia.

It was amazing. No elephants or jugglers, but gritty Colombian street dance mixed with mind-blowing gymnastics that definitely shouldn’t be humanly possible.
Just to give you a taster, during the first couple of minutes, two guys gripped their hands together, and used raw muscle to launch their friend up in the air, who span about the ceiling from the momentum of this human trampoline. The show went on to do nail-biting  trapeze acts, tightrope walking, and a particularly brilliant see-saw act, where two Circolumbia members jumped on the end of a see-saw which launched a smaller Circolombia member up to The Roundhouse ceiling.

The guys (and one girl) are graduates from the Circo Para Todos – a scheme that takes kids off the streets of Cali and teaches them circus skills. The whole thing only lasted an hour and a half, but it felt like 20 minutes. Amazing.

Circolomia finishes at The Roundhouse (Camden) this Saturday, but if you can get a ticket, I strongly recommend you go. Let me know what you thought of it if you do.


PS. If you’re looking for somewhere to have a drink before the show, Spiritual is 2 minutes away, and does a mean Caipirinha for just £3 during Happy Hour (5-7pm) … perfect for getting you in the South American spirit!

4, Ferdinand Street, Camden Town, NW1 8ER


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